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[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:25 pm
by vasp16888
Dear vasp users:
I have been doing Fe12Ga4 system for weeks, but there are some pretty weird problems in the process of kpoints
convergence check. There are 12 Fe atoms and 4 Ga atoms in the unit cell, the equilibrium lattice constant is around 5.745 Ang, cubic. see below:
INCAR is always the same:
SYSTEM = Fe12Ga4
ISTART = 0 # job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ISPIN = 2 # spin : 1-off 2-on
# MAGMOM = 12 12 -3 -3 -3 -3
# Electronic Relaxation 1
ENCUT = 350 # cut-off energy
PREC = H # precision : medium, high low
NELM = 500 # maximal ELM
EDIFF = 1E-04 # stopping-criterion for ELM
NELMDL = -5 # No. of inconsistent ELM
NELMIN = 4 # minimal ELM
# Electronic relaxation 2 (details)
ALGO = FAST # algorithm
NSIM = 4 # parameter used in RMM-DIIS
LREAL = .FALSE. # space where projection will be done
VOSKOWN = 1 # gga related
AMIX = 0.05
BMIX = 0.0001
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001
KPOINTS varies:
POTCAR(PAW_PW91) doesn't change.
Here are the results:
kpoint volume total energy(eV) magnet(uB) pressure(kB)
5 189.610000 -111.678440 24.254700 3.780000
6 189.610000 -108.176590 -2.766800 -27.440000
7 189.610000 -111.681880 24.260700 10.310000
9 189.610000 -108.162300 -3.151700 -32.880000
11 189.610000 -108.493080 0.695500 -3.960000
(1)Why there were such a big changes in total energy during the process of kpoints convergence check, I have never seen this before ??
(2)Magnetic moment is ridiculous??
(3)External pressure is weird, too. It should be linear. I don't why??
Looking forward to vasp users's reply, thank you in advance
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:46 am
by vasp16888
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated:)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:37 pm
by Danny
(1-3) my guess would be that your calculations have not converged. Check if your calculations finished with 500 electronic steps, if so they are probably not converged.
Also set EDIFF to a higher accuracy than 0.001 eg: EDIFF=1.0E-7
Set LMAXMIX = 4 (you have no f electrons in neither Fe or Ga, only d-->=4)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:17 pm
by panda
I typically set EDIFFG = -0.01 to achieve convergence of forces to 0.01 eV/atom or smaller. But I agree with Danny, I think the calculation is not converged. Have you tried setting auto kpoints? What about setting ISYM = 0, to turn off symmetry? These are a few things I would try off the top of my head.
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:19 am
by Danny
[quote="red"]EDIFFG = -0.01 [/color]to achieve convergence of forces to 0.01 eV/atom or smaller. But I agree with Danny, I think the calculation is not converged. Have you tried setting auto kpoints? What about setting ISYM = 0, to turn off symmetry? These are a few things I would try off the top of my head. [/quote]</span>
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:20 am
by vasp16888
[quote author=1.0E-7
Set LMAXMIX = 4 (you have no f electrons in neither Fe or Ga, only d-->=4)[/quote]Previous calculation:[/size]
INCAR: doesn't change
SYSTEM = Fe12Ga4
ISTART = 0 # job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ISPIN = 2 # spin : 1-off 2-on
# MAGMOM = 12 12 -3 -3 -3 -3
# Electronic Relaxation 1
ENCUT = 350 # cut-off energy
PREC = H # precision : medium, high low
NELM = 500 # maximal ELM
EDIFF = 1E-04 # stopping-criterion for ELM
NELMDL = -5 # No. of inconsistent ELM
NELMIN = 4 # minimal ELM
ISMEAR = 0 # smearing method : -5-tet -1-fermi 0-gaus 1-MP
SIGMA = 0.1 # smearing factor in eV
# NPAR = 1
# Electronic relaxation 2 (details)
ALGO = FAST # algorithm
NSIM = 4 # parameter used in RMM-DIIS
LREAL = .FALSE. # space where projection will be done
VOSKOWN = 1 # gga related
AMIX = 0.05
BMIX = 0.0001
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001
Automatic generation
5 5 5
0 0 0
then just change 5*5*5 to 6*6*6, 7*7*7, 9*9*9, 11*11*11
RMM: 20 -0.111283325533E+03 0.19571E+00 -0.43035E-02 4655 0.919E-01 0.696E+00
RMM: 21 -0.111680611489E+03 -0.39729E+00 -0.11162E+00 4407 0.393E+00 0.929E-01
RMM: 22 -0.111678216825E+03 0.23947E-02 -0.11303E-01 5028 0.104E+00 0.730E-01
RMM: 23 -0.111672368245E+03 0.58486E-02 -0.77294E-02 4239 0.104E+00 0.168E+00
RMM: 24 -0.111647388568E+03 0.24980E-01 -0.28888E-02 4962 0.575E-01 0.229E+00
RMM: 25 -0.111679428227E+03 -0.32040E-01 -0.99002E-02 4128 0.120E+00 0.492E-01
RMM: 26 -0.111677431050E+03 0.19972E-02 -0.57489E-03 4952 0.365E-01 0.436E-01
RMM: 27 -0.111677816538E+03 -0.38549E-03 -0.44294E-03 4074 0.271E-01 0.349E-01
RMM: 28 -0.111678820209E+03 -0.10037E-02 -0.51031E-03 4140 0.257E-01 0.463E-01
RMM: 29 -0.111678383570E+03 0.43664E-03 -0.85971E-04 4138 0.992E-02 0.310E-01
RMM: 30 -0.111677786562E+03 0.59701E-03 -0.16376E-03 4099 0.152E-01 0.254E-01
RMM: 31 -0.111678457961E+03 -0.67140E-03 -0.10202E-03 4081 0.140E-01 0.117E-01
RMM: 32 -0.111678435335E+03 0.22626E-04 -0.59160E-04 3621 0.868E-02
1 F= -.11167844E+03 E0= -.11164138E+03 d E =-.741059E-01 mag= 24.2547
RMM: 148 -0.108168379365E+03 0.11597E-01 -0.85943E-04 3631 0.101E-01 0.331E+00
RMM: 149 -0.108119408803E+03 0.48971E-01 -0.15050E-02 3886 0.448E-01 0.311E+00
RMM: 150 -0.108080605796E+03 0.38803E-01 -0.14679E-02 4087 0.396E-01 0.302E+00
RMM: 151 -0.108034389434E+03 0.46216E-01 -0.21590E-02 4428 0.509E-01 0.308E+00
RMM: 152 -0.108042963915E+03 -0.85745E-02 -0.12768E-03 4921 0.152E-01 0.301E+00
RMM: 153 -0.108091374135E+03 -0.48410E-01 -0.14666E-02 3868 0.473E-01 0.302E+00
RMM: 154 -0.108130613200E+03 -0.39239E-01 -0.15737E-02 4170 0.409E-01 0.312E+00
RMM: 155 -0.108148708333E+03 -0.18095E-01 -0.53631E-03 4890 0.230E-01 0.320E+00
RMM: 156 -0.108197917340E+03 -0.49209E-01 -0.15338E-02 3963 0.453E-01 0.342E+00
RMM: 157 -0.108190501621E+03 0.74157E-02 -0.10928E-03 4758 0.131E-01 0.341E+00
RMM: 158 -0.108176620225E+03 0.13881E-01 -0.10254E-03 3780 0.141E-01 0.334E+00
RMM: 159 -0.108176586690E+03 0.33535E-04 -0.14454E-04 1813 0.393E-02
1 F= -.10817659E+03 E0= -.10809401E+03 d E =-.165154E+00 mag= -2.7668
RMM: 50 -0.111600164334E+03 0.55678E-01 -0.52679E-02 8451 0.859E-01 0.274E+00
RMM: 51 -0.111622788680E+03 -0.22624E-01 -0.38883E-03 9581 0.352E-01 0.230E+00
RMM: 52 -0.111632284138E+03 -0.94955E-02 -0.18463E-03 7773 0.194E-01 0.215E+00
RMM: 53 -0.111646531219E+03 -0.14247E-01 -0.44595E-03 8528 0.233E-01 0.187E+00
RMM: 54 -0.111664232618E+03 -0.17701E-01 -0.10736E-02 7901 0.343E-01 0.153E+00
RMM: 55 -0.111677710081E+03 -0.13477E-01 -0.12610E-02 8291 0.361E-01 0.123E+00
RMM: 56 -0.111684275888E+03 -0.65658E-02 -0.13826E-02 8572 0.386E-01 0.873E-01
RMM: 57 -0.111683896503E+03 0.37939E-03 -0.15160E-03 9829 0.122E-01 0.792E-01
RMM: 58 -0.111683084285E+03 0.81222E-03 -0.29419E-04 5816 0.812E-02 0.710E-01
RMM: 59 -0.111682754646E+03 0.32964E-03 -0.10115E-04 4083 0.407E-02 0.712E-01
RMM: 60 -0.111682051388E+03 0.70326E-03 -0.15781E-03 8032 0.155E-01 0.418E-01
RMM: 61 -0.111681932632E+03 0.11876E-03 -0.58174E-04 7962 0.749E-02 0.350E-01
RMM: 62 -0.111681884882E+03 0.47750E-04 -0.13478E-04 4182 0.416E-02
1 F= -.11168188E+03 E0= -.11165035E+03 d E =-.630775E-01 mag= 24.2607
RMM: 168 -0.108150331115E+03 0.18368E-03 -0.27694E-04 10430 0.614E-02 0.311E+00
RMM: 169 -0.108145891344E+03 0.44398E-02 -0.10736E-04 6339 0.486E-02 0.309E+00
RMM: 170 -0.108163107448E+03 -0.17216E-01 -0.17037E-03 13208 0.166E-01 0.315E+00
RMM: 171 -0.108197147719E+03 -0.34040E-01 -0.71713E-03 13598 0.305E-01 0.328E+00
RMM: 172 -0.108166342860E+03 0.30805E-01 -0.33914E-03 14416 0.264E-01 0.319E+00
RMM: 173 -0.108145846633E+03 0.20496E-01 -0.35905E-03 14551 0.203E-01 0.311E+00
RMM: 174 -0.108111552167E+03 0.34294E-01 -0.90862E-03 14525 0.337E-01 0.303E+00
RMM: 175 -0.108096758737E+03 0.14793E-01 -0.38420E-03 16583 0.186E-01 0.299E+00
RMM: 176 -0.108170828566E+03 -0.74070E-01 -0.31247E-02 13617 0.676E-01 0.315E+00
RMM: 177 -0.108172925563E+03 -0.20970E-02 -0.34569E-03 16950 0.186E-01 0.320E+00
RMM: 178 -0.108162356535E+03 0.10569E-01 -0.49575E-04 11499 0.841E-02 0.317E+00
RMM: 179 -0.108162302471E+03 0.54064E-04 -0.60437E-05 5700 0.329E-02
1 F= -.10816230E+03 E0= -.10808193E+03 d E =-.160739E+00 mag= -3.1517
RMM: 47 -0.108993242351E+03 -0.12171E+00 -0.21586E-02 22670 0.546E-01 0.748E+00
RMM: 48 -0.109028387527E+03 -0.35145E-01 -0.47797E-03 26248 0.231E-01 0.794E+00
RMM: 49 -0.109022832047E+03 0.55555E-02 -0.54860E-04 23240 0.114E-01 0.789E+00
RMM: 50 -0.108985209560E+03 0.37622E-01 -0.15730E-03 21041 0.164E-01 0.752E+00
RMM: 51 -0.108925327631E+03 0.59882E-01 -0.71428E-03 21420 0.317E-01 0.676E+00
RMM: 52 -0.108820407862E+03 0.10492E+00 -0.18451E-02 21698 0.512E-01 0.564E+00
RMM: 53 -0.108752344791E+03 0.68063E-01 -0.16929E-02 23137 0.438E-01 0.495E+00
RMM: 54 -0.108684708222E+03 0.67637E-01 -0.20206E-02 24270 0.513E-01 0.443E+00
RMM: 55 -0.108580607577E+03 0.10410E+00 -0.49742E-02 22537 0.798E-01 0.410E+00
RMM: 56 -0.108494211707E+03 0.86396E-01 -0.44857E-02 24090 0.696E-01 0.405E+00
RMM: 57 -0.108493065299E+03 0.11464E-02 -0.48060E-03 30974 0.205E-01 0.400E+00
RMM: 58 -0.108493078108E+03 -0.12809E-04 -0.28536E-04 14274 0.743E-02
1 F= -.10849308E+03 E0= -.10841875E+03 d E =-.148666E+00 mag= 0.6955
POSCAR and POTCAR(PAW_PW91) doesn't change.
Here are the results:
kpoint volume total energy(eV) magnet(uB) pressure(kB)
5 189.610000 -111.678440 24.254700 3.780000
6 189.610000 -108.176590 -2.766800 -27.440000
7 189.610000 -111.681880 24.260700 10.310000
9 189.610000 -108.162300 -3.151700 -32.880000
11 189.610000 -108.493080 0.695500 -3.960000
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:38 am
by vasp16888
[quote="panda"]I typically set EDIFFG = -0.01 to achieve convergence of forces to 0.01 eV/atom or smaller. But I agree with Danny, I think the calculation is not converged. Have you tried setting auto kpoints? What about setting ISYM = 0, to turn off symmetry? These are a few things I would try off the top of my head. [/quote]
After adopting your suggestions, here are the details:
Latest Calculation
INCAR: doesn't change, the different from previous INCAR are written in red.
SYSTEM = Fe12Ga4
ISTART = 0 # job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ISPIN = 2 # spin : 1-off 2-on
# MAGMOM = 12 12 -3 -3 -3 -3
# Electronic Relaxation 1
ENCUT = 350 # cut-off energy
PREC = H # precision : medium, high low
NELM = 500 # maximal ELM
EDIFF = 1E-07 # stopping-criterion for ELM
NELMDL = -5 # No. of inconsistent ELM
NELMIN = 4 # minimal ELM
ISMEAR = 0 # smearing method : -5-tet -1-fermi 0-gaus 1-MP
SIGMA = 0.1 # smearing factor in eV
NPAR = 6
# Electronic relaxation 2 (details)
ALGO = FAST # algorithm
NSIM = 4 # parameter used in RMM-DIIS
LREAL = .FALSE. # space where projection will be done
VOSKOWN = 1 # gga related
AMIX = 0.05
BMIX = 0.0001
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001
Automatic generation
5 5 5
0 0 0
then just change 5*5*5 to 6*6*6, 7*7*7, 9*9*9, 11*11*11
RMM: 27 -0.111677870873E+03 -0.56617E-03 -0.44877E-03 4510 0.268E-01 0.341E-01
RMM: 28 -0.111678836605E+03 -0.96573E-03 -0.47833E-03 4563 0.240E-01 0.463E-01
RMM: 29 -0.111678352588E+03 0.48402E-03 -0.88602E-04 5251 0.100E-01 0.312E-01
RMM: 30 -0.111677776630E+03 0.57596E-03 -0.15351E-03 4545 0.150E-01 0.257E-01
RMM: 31 -0.111678438154E+03 -0.66152E-03 -0.95702E-04 4706 0.135E-01 0.117E-01
RMM: 32 -0.111678436196E+03 0.19582E-05 -0.65725E-04 4810 0.931E-02 0.667E-02
RMM: 33 -0.111678428530E+03 0.76663E-05 -0.51030E-05 5495 0.235E-02 0.486E-02
RMM: 34 -0.111678437531E+03 -0.90010E-05 -0.23981E-05 4627 0.206E-02 0.343E-02
RMM: 35 -0.111678441079E+03 -0.35487E-05 -0.10101E-04 4466 0.375E-02 0.188E-02
RMM: 36 -0.111678445701E+03 -0.46217E-05 -0.64139E-06 4796 0.136E-02 0.482E-03
RMM: 37 -0.111678445979E+03 -0.27762E-06 -0.79699E-07 3762 0.437E-03 0.455E-03
RMM: 38 -0.111678445887E+03 0.91250E-07 -0.52504E-07 3686 0.322E-03
1 F= -.11167845E+03 E0= -.11164111E+03 d E =-.746690E-01 mag= 24.2901
RMM: 83 -0.111677595217E+03 0.42252E-03 -0.54862E-04 5095 0.898E-02 0.452E-01
RMM: 84 -0.111677880745E+03 -0.28553E-03 -0.11310E-04 5096 0.400E-02 0.429E-01
RMM: 85 -0.111678805103E+03 -0.92436E-03 -0.52792E-04 4404 0.820E-02 0.287E-01
RMM: 86 -0.111679456576E+03 -0.65147E-03 -0.98743E-04 4346 0.108E-01 0.895E-02
RMM: 87 -0.111679520992E+03 -0.64416E-04 -0.23460E-04 5864 0.415E-02 0.682E-02
RMM: 88 -0.111679571324E+03 -0.50331E-04 -0.22876E-04 4754 0.548E-02 0.908E-03
RMM: 89 -0.111679570072E+03 0.12516E-05 -0.17183E-05 5421 0.150E-02 0.467E-03
RMM: 90 -0.111679568995E+03 0.10768E-05 -0.17361E-06 4095 0.643E-03 0.313E-03
RMM: 91 -0.111679568303E+03 0.69228E-06 -0.15764E-06 3916 0.477E-03 0.399E-03
RMM: 92 -0.111679568032E+03 0.27037E-06 -0.12976E-07 2533 0.185E-03 0.228E-03
RMM: 93 -0.111679568239E+03 -0.20684E-06 -0.34602E-07 2626 0.274E-03 0.105E-03
RMM: 94 -0.111679568326E+03 -0.87055E-07 -0.26372E-07 2285 0.182E-03
1 F= -.11167957E+03 E0= -.11165156E+03 d E =-.560229E-01 mag= 24.2457
RMM: 485 -0.895735851093E+02 0.55599E+01 -0.12895E+00 9385 0.360E+00 0.484E+01
RMM: 486 -0.894469503523E+02 0.12663E+00 -0.11172E-01 11408 0.123E+00 0.487E+01
RMM: 487 -0.894310030744E+02 0.15947E-01 -0.68213E-03 10703 0.388E-01 0.486E+01
RMM: 488 -0.880398503903E+02 0.13912E+01 -0.41753E-02 8953 0.777E-01 0.507E+01
RMM: 489 -0.883093739127E+02 -0.26952E+00 -0.28870E-03 11130 0.250E-01 0.503E+01
RMM: 490 -0.920308273057E+02 -0.37215E+01 -0.28494E-01 8469 0.206E+00 0.442E+01
RMM: 491 -0.987837561096E+02 -0.67529E+01 -0.16794E+00 8583 0.473E+00 0.313E+01
RMM: 492 -0.989537565027E+02 -0.17000E+00 -0.17078E-01 11416 0.112E+00 0.313E+01
RMM: 493 -0.994996015846E+02 -0.54585E+00 -0.38561E-02 9398 0.804E-01 0.302E+01
RMM: 494 -0.982127354766E+02 0.12869E+01 -0.78167E-02 8827 0.117E+00 0.330E+01
RMM: 495 -0.982202479215E+02 -0.75124E-02 -0.75002E-03 10899 0.305E-01 0.330E+01
RMM: 496 -0.806420291262E+02 0.17578E+02 -0.70336E+00 8642 0.101E+01 0.607E+01
RMM: 497 -0.885772051589E+02 -0.79352E+01 -0.66115E-01 9982 0.465E+00 0.498E+01
RMM: 498 -0.852941125640E+02 0.32831E+01 -0.23283E-01 10401 0.183E+00 0.542E+01
RMM: 499 -0.892206185422E+02 -0.39265E+01 -0.23979E-01 9126 0.192E+00 0.483E+01
RMM: 500 -0.874389343391E+02 0.17817E+01 -0.48200E-02 9745 0.112E+00
1 F= -.87438934E+02 E0= -.87379679E+02 d E =-.118510E+00 mag= -23.7551
I don't think it will converge even in more scf steps
RMM: 486 -0.995129104111E+02 0.19360E+01 -0.19486E-01 16526 0.196E+00 0.300E+01
RMM: 487 -0.100553321393E+03 -0.10404E+01 -0.44764E-02 16909 0.101E+00 0.278E+01
RMM: 488 -0.100382046224E+03 0.17128E+00 -0.38642E-03 17752 0.328E-01 0.282E+01
RMM: 489 -0.100262336510E+03 0.11971E+00 -0.21120E-03 16046 0.183E-01 0.284E+01
RMM: 490 -0.100304038906E+03 -0.41702E-01 -0.39043E-04 16978 0.873E-02 0.283E+01
RMM: 491 -0.103708661762E+03 -0.34046E+01 -0.11546E+00 14718 0.401E+00 0.209E+01
RMM: 492 -0.103064846528E+03 0.64382E+00 -0.76118E-02 18514 0.157E+00 0.226E+01
RMM: 493 -0.102755783911E+03 0.30906E+00 -0.28556E-02 14712 0.820E-01 0.233E+01
RMM: 494 -0.102709544044E+03 0.46240E-01 -0.18482E-03 18857 0.190E-01 0.234E+01
RMM: 495 -0.103095625297E+03 -0.38608E+00 -0.12141E-02 15701 0.405E-01 0.225E+01
RMM: 496 -0.103348079853E+03 -0.25245E+00 -0.13657E-02 17334 0.375E-01 0.219E+01
RMM: 497 -0.103323241256E+03 0.24839E-01 -0.61902E-04 19119 0.957E-02 0.220E+01
RMM: 498 -0.103471235867E+03 -0.14799E+00 -0.26991E-03 15704 0.189E-01 0.217E+01
RMM: 499 -0.103223978084E+03 0.24726E+00 -0.10009E-02 15458 0.372E-01 0.223E+01
RMM: 500 -0.102945349557E+03 0.27863E+00 -0.12641E-02 14983 0.382E-01
1 F= -.10294535E+03 E0= -.10285887E+03 d E =-.172962E+00 mag= 8.6635
I don't think it will converge even in more scf steps
RMM: 287 -0.108250460630E+03 -0.14956E-01 -0.78590E-03 32279 0.249E-01 0.351E+00
RMM: 288 -0.108247328098E+03 0.31325E-02 -0.29016E-04 29229 0.797E-02 0.351E+00
RMM: 289 -0.108223982134E+03 0.23346E-01 -0.26142E-03 24299 0.191E-01 0.342E+00
RMM: 290 -0.108202861301E+03 0.21121E-01 -0.33591E-03 24524 0.197E-01 0.332E+00
RMM: 291 -0.108188624321E+03 0.14237E-01 -0.21556E-03 27902 0.153E-01 0.325E+00
RMM: 292 -0.108178789020E+03 0.98353E-02 -0.10314E-03 27143 0.106E-01 0.321E+00
RMM: 293 -0.108145291881E+03 0.33497E-01 -0.73141E-03 24199 0.309E-01 0.309E+00
RMM: 294 -0.108106869426E+03 0.38422E-01 -0.11760E-02 24537 0.373E-01 0.300E+00
RMM: 295 -0.108026794737E+03 0.80075E-01 -0.49126E-02 24953 0.781E-01 0.314E+00
RMM: 296 -0.107595703835E+03 0.43109E+00 -0.53531E-01 23975 0.267E+00 0.678E+00
RMM: 297 -0.104458892802E+03 0.31368E+01 -0.34842E+00 23889 0.675E+00 0.198E+01
RMM: 298 -0.916916459094E+02 0.12767E+02 -0.10606E+01 24200 0.117E+01 0.452E+01
RMM: 299 -0.956210593731E+02 -0.39294E+01 -0.49218E-01 29458 0.354E+00 0.375E+01
RMM: 300 0.662913397589E+02 0.16191E+03 -0.14646E+02 27035 0.444E+01 0.995E+01
RMM: 301 0.212725816682E+04 0.20610E+04 -0.89854E+02 28938 0.102E+02 0.182E+02
RMM: 302 0.103331901608E+04 -0.10939E+04 -0.23575E+01 28566 0.265E+01 0.150E+02
RMM: 303 -0.443102484515E+02 -0.10776E+04 -0.45769E+02 29685 0.642E+01 0.118E+02
RMM: 304 0.202799938084E+05 0.20324E+05 -0.28860E+03 25549 0.480E+02 0.445E+02
RMM: 305 0.399097248906E+05 0.19630E+05 0.75559E+03 36766 0.127E+03 0.848E+02
RMM: 306 0.238530753437E+06 0.19862E+06 -0.13244E+04 34101 0.987E+02 0.330E+03
RMM: 307 0.372936232654E+05 -0.20124E+06 -0.24999E+04 31531 0.217E+03 0.652E+02
It oscillate so severely that I stop running it, and I don't think it will converge, eigher.
POSCAR and POTCAR(PAW_PW91) doesn't change.
Here are the results:
kpoint volume total energy(eV) magnet(uB) pressure(kB)
5 189.610000 -111.678450 24.290100 3.380000
6 189.610000 -111.679570 24.245700 3.110000
7 189.610000 -87.438934 -23.755100 218.720000
9 189.610000 -102.945350 8.663500 42.700000
since it didn't converge when k=7*7*7, 9*9*9 and 11*11*1, the total energy and the external pressure is ridiculous
I was totally confused about this so wierd convergence problem of kpoints.
Any further suggestions will be greatly appreciated:)
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Apr 29 2010, 02:43AM ]</span>
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:00 am
by vasp16888
[quote=" -0.01 to achieve convergence of forces to 0.01 eV/atom or smaller. But I agree with Danny, I think the calculation is not converged. Have you tried setting auto kpoints? What about setting ISYM = 0, to turn off symmetry? These are a few things I would try off the top of my head. [/quote"]ISYM = 0 calculation [/size]
INCAR: doesn't change, the different from previous INCAR are written in red.
SYSTEM = Fe12Ga4
ISTART = 0 # job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ISPIN = 2 # spin : 1-off 2-on
# MAGMOM = 12 12 -3 -3 -3 -3
# Electronic Relaxation 1
ENCUT = 350 # cut-off energy
PREC = H # precision : medium, high low
NELM = 500 # maximal ELM
EDIFF = 1E-07 # stopping-criterion for ELM
NELMDL = -5 # No. of inconsistent ELM
NELMIN = 4 # minimal ELM
ISYM = 0 # symmetry : 0-no 1,2-yes
ISMEAR = 0 # smearing method : -5-tet -1-fermi 0-gaus 1-MP
SIGMA = 0.1 # smearing factor in eV
NPAR = 6
# Electronic relaxation 2 (details)
ALGO = FAST # algorithm
NSIM = 4 # parameter used in RMM-DIIS
LREAL = .FALSE. # space where projection will be done
VOSKOWN = 1 # gga related
AMIX = 0.05
BMIX = 0.0001
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001
Automatic generation
9 9 9
0 0 0
RMM: 223 -0.107959180338E+03 -0.11332E-01 -0.27890E-03172334 0.213E-01 0.390E+00
RMM: 224 -0.107974301711E+03 -0.15121E-01 -0.22454E-03186177 0.167E-01 0.385E+00
RMM: 225 -0.108024790648E+03 -0.50489E-01 -0.19489E-02168190 0.496E-01 0.337E+00
RMM: 226 -0.108094471987E+03 -0.69681E-01 -0.85328E-02173548 0.103E+00 0.317E+00
RMM: 227 -0.108093885889E+03 0.58610E-03 -0.74237E-03216733 0.338E-01 0.322E+00
RMM: 228 -0.108162098408E+03 -0.68213E-01 -0.38230E-02164470 0.709E-01 0.315E+00
RMM: 229 -0.108119265669E+03 0.42833E-01 -0.11829E-02188374 0.487E-01 0.308E+00
RMM: 230 -0.108071417685E+03 0.47848E-01 -0.82481E-02175240 0.984E-01 0.306E+00
RMM: 231 -0.107947444428E+03 0.12397E+00 -0.16308E-01172475 0.152E+00 0.399E+00
RMM: 232 -0.107917786330E+03 0.29658E-01 -0.30131E-02227474 0.580E-01 0.412E+00
RMM: 233 -0.107865330399E+03 0.52456E-01 -0.17932E-02175330 0.504E-01 0.455E+00
RMM: 234 -0.107883703106E+03 -0.18373E-01 -0.22844E-03205831 0.227E-01 0.441E+00
RMM: 235 -0.107869472274E+03 0.14231E-01 -0.49968E-03181145 0.256E-01 0.451E+00
RMM: 236 -0.107679535395E+03 0.18994E+00 -0.17596E-01162965 0.149E+00 0.608E+00
RMM: 237 -0.107795880657E+03 -0.11635E+00 -0.55219E-02194203 0.984E-01 0.512E+00
RMM: 238 -0.107776080293E+03 0.19800E-01 -0.34938E-02173692 0.724E-01 0.520E+00
RMM: 239 -0.107871835981E+03 -0.95756E-01 -0.67238E-02177357 0.935E-01 0.427E+00
RMM: 240 -0.107805910608E+03 0.65925E-01 -0.17389E-02195769 0.567E-01 0.486E+00
RMM: 241 -0.107857358027E+03 -0.51447E-01 -0.31090E-02188902 0.628E-01 0.439E+00
RMM: 242 -0.107847634980E+03 0.97230E-02 -0.10842E-02231030 0.326E-01 0.451E+00
RMM: 243 -0.107848865020E+03 -0.12300E-02 -0.21536E-03188188 0.166E-01 0.453E+00
RMM: 244 -0.107845232159E+03 0.36329E-02 -0.28480E-04224754 0.627E-02 0.456E+00
RMM: 245 -0.107873765608E+03 -0.28533E-01 -0.35797E-03164907 0.216E-01 0.437E+00
RMM: 246 -0.108053842087E+03 -0.18008E+00 -0.19848E-01159157 0.159E+00 0.318E+00
RMM: 247 -0.108059977810E+03 -0.61357E-02 -0.22967E-02204384 0.669E-01 0.332E+00
RMM: 248 -0.108077626429E+03 -0.17649E-01 -0.83450E-03202329 0.380E-01 0.325E+00
RMM: 249 -0.108077835931E+03 -0.20950E-03 -0.98745E-04226087 0.956E-02 0.327E+00
RMM: 250 -0.108073873150E+03 0.39628E-02 -0.10175E-03174521 0.118E-01 0.323E+00
RMM: 251 -0.108116495900E+03 -0.42623E-01 -0.31043E-02165586 0.621E-01 0.319E+00
It oscillate all the time, I don't see any convergence phenomenon.
100% confused:(
Any suggestion after seeing this wierd result? Thanks:)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:20 am
by Danny
Here are the results:
kpoint volume total energy(eV) magnet(uB) pressure(kB)
5 189.610000 -111.678450 24.290100 3.380000
6 189.610000 -111.679570 24.245700 3.110000
7 189.610000 -87.438934 -23.755100 218.720000
9 189.610000 -102.945350 8.663500 42.700000
* why not use a k-point grid without Gamma (even k-point numbers like 4x4x4,6x6x6,8x8x8)
* other option try to use the Davidson algo instead of RMM.
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:09 pm
by vasp16888
ok, I am gonna do it now, thanks. I will keep you posted as soon as I get the result:)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 2:37 am
by vasp16888
[quote="red"]So my questions are:[/color]
1. If I wanna optimize the structure, and lattice constant change from 5.70, 5.71,5.72,.....,to 5.80Ang. In this 11 calculations, some of them only converge with RMM, but some of them can only converge with DAV. So can I use the data
calculated by these two algorithms to find the minimum total energy point and take this point as the optimized structure
2. What's difference in principle between these two algorithms ? Why for some case RMM work, and for some case DAV work ?? (I always think RMM is more accurate than DAV.)
Looking forward to your reply:)
Incidentally, Happy Labour's Day:)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:18 am
by alex
1) Davidson algorithm (DAV, ALGO=N) is much more stable than RMM, but slower. Read the manual for that. So I doubt that you have convergence at all, if DAV does _not_ work.
2) Again, it does not hurt to take a look at the manual and read the appropriate sections. And: there is _no_ difference in accuracy, just stability and speed (and, of course, the algorithm).
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:05 am
by vasp16888
[quote author=N) is much more stable than RMM, but slower. Read the manual for that. So I doubt that you have convergence at all, if DAV does _not_ work.
2) Again, it does not hurt to take a look at the manual and read the appropriate sections. And: there is _no_ difference in accuracy, just stability and speed (and, of course, the algorithm).
alex[/quote]For instance: [/size]
(1)About Fe12Ga4 system, when lattice constant is 5.7828:
all other parameter are the same, I just change the algorithm parameter ALGO.
when ALGO = FAST (RMM), it converges:
RMM: 30 -0.111661824649E+03 -0.46908E-04 -0.88900E-05 9121 0.389E-02 0.327E-02
RMM: 31 -0.111661818381E+03 0.62679E-05 -0.15566E-04 8885 0.467E-02 0.489E-02
RMM: 32 -0.111661840084E+03 -0.21703E-04 -0.13604E-05 10484 0.208E-02 0.299E-02
RMM: 33 -0.111661849427E+03 -0.93426E-05 -0.22888E-05 8085 0.199E-02 0.820E-03
RMM: 34 -0.111661849845E+03 -0.41864E-06 -0.78416E-06 10117 0.812E-03 0.262E-03
RMM: 35 -0.111661849949E+03 -0.10341E-06 -0.21505E-06 8922 0.595E-03 0.249E-03
RMM: 36 -0.111661849887E+03 0.61922E-07 -0.10309E-06 9508 0.378E-03 0.533E-03
RMM: 37 -0.111661850650E+03 -0.76273E-06 -0.38764E-07 6305 0.285E-03 0.223E-03
RMM: 38 -0.111661850662E+03 -0.12819E-07 -0.11357E-07 4600 0.169E-03
1 F= -.11166185E+03 E0= -.11162470E+03 d E =-.742983E-01 mag= 24.8187
when ALGO = NORMAL (DAV), it's hard to converge:
DAV: 352 -0.110068351764E+03 -0.12231E-01 -0.23508E-03 10618 0.301E-01 0.298E+00
DAV: 353 -0.110056477506E+03 0.11874E-01 -0.13494E-03 10354 0.324E-01 0.303E+00
DAV: 354 -0.110055540556E+03 0.93695E-03 -0.10729E-04 9270 0.440E-02 0.303E+00
DAV: 355 -0.110055849875E+03 -0.30932E-03 -0.72698E-06 9808 0.239E-02 0.304E+00
DAV: 356 -0.109905744653E+03 0.15011E+00 -0.11491E-01 11080 0.286E+00 0.486E+00
DAV: 357 -0.109649701444E+03 0.25604E+00 -0.15554E-01 11356 0.290E+00 0.766E+00
DAV: 358 -0.109127803586E+03 0.52190E+00 -0.27123E-01 11304 0.391E+00 0.990E+00
DAV: 359 -0.109129547948E+03 -0.17444E-02 -0.24117E-02 7738 0.883E-01 0.990E+00
DAV: 360 -0.109131592615E+03 -0.20447E-02 -0.27560E-04 10226 0.101E-01 0.989E+00
DAV: 361 -0.108781758120E+03 0.34983E+00 -0.21268E-01 11298 0.361E+00 0.944E+00
DAV: 362 -0.108708112188E+03 0.73646E-01 -0.55307E-02 10322 0.136E+00 0.990E+00
DAV: 363 -0.108744935716E+03 -0.36824E-01 -0.33922E-02 10338 0.148E+00 0.933E+00
DAV: 364 -0.109480974536E+03 -0.73604E+00 -0.70462E-01 10876 0.632E+00 0.873E+00
DAV: 365 -0.109378035793E+03 0.10294E+00 -0.56169E-02 9894 0.180E+00 0.948E+00
DAV: 366 -0.109314832773E+03 0.63203E-01 -0.88979E-03 10654 0.631E-01 0.965E+00
DAV: 367 -0.109361657955E+03 -0.46825E-01 -0.26336E-03 9184 0.444E-01 0.948E+00
(2)About Fe12Ga4 system, when lattice constant is 5.7628:
all other parameter are the same, I just change the algorithm parameter ALGO.
when ALGO = FAST (RMM), it's hard to converges:
RMM: 91 -0.111737880440E+03 0.54933E-02 -0.55702E-04 8518 0.831E-02 0.589E+00
RMM: 92 -0.111767932200E+03 -0.30052E-01 -0.23926E-03 8731 0.177E-01 0.581E+00
RMM: 93 -0.111748460263E+03 0.19472E-01 -0.18676E-03 9210 0.186E-01 0.604E+00
RMM: 94 -0.111728744659E+03 0.19716E-01 -0.36640E-03 8791 0.203E-01 0.635E+00
RMM: 95 -0.111726550395E+03 0.21943E-02 -0.38338E-04 10691 0.745E-02 0.625E+00
RMM: 96 -0.111304266079E+03 0.42228E+00 -0.30561E-01 8693 0.197E+00 0.742E+00
RMM: 97 -0.111257027332E+03 0.47239E-01 -0.54559E-02 11053 0.735E-01 0.716E+00
RMM: 98 -0.111095178796E+03 0.16185E+00 -0.52761E-02 9469 0.823E-01 0.749E+00
RMM: 99 -0.111227546409E+03 -0.13237E+00 -0.16719E-02 9661 0.605E-01 0.699E+00
RMM: 100 -0.111268650606E+03 -0.41104E-01 -0.48503E-03 9858 0.247E-01 0.686E+00
RMM: 101 -0.110972071521E+03 0.29658E+00 -0.11195E-01 8591 0.125E+00 0.777E+00
RMM: 102 -0.110994386796E+03 -0.22315E-01 -0.94400E-03 10732 0.359E-01 0.770E+00
RMM: 103 -0.111090900904E+03 -0.96514E-01 -0.11315E-02 8391 0.432E-01 0.755E+00
RMM: 104 -0.111109841076E+03 -0.18940E-01 -0.21929E-03 11098 0.140E-01 0.752E+00
RMM: 105 -0.111103710473E+03 0.61306E-02 -0.23257E-04 9284 0.685E-02 0.752E+00
RMM: 106 -0.110835535793E+03 0.26817E+00 -0.86114E-02 8760 0.107E+00 0.734E+00
RMM: 107 -0.110875045725E+03 -0.39510E-01 -0.60845E-03 10727 0.352E-01 0.743E+00
RMM: 108 -0.110879730055E+03 -0.46843E-02 -0.62198E-04 9757 0.127E-01 0.744E+00
RMM: 109 -0.110819764711E+03 0.59965E-01 -0.39986E-03 9075 0.223E-01 0.725E+00
RMM: 110 -0.110858075466E+03 -0.38311E-01 -0.33324E-03 8804 0.260E-01 0.744E+00
RMM: 111 -0.111304724653E+03 -0.44665E+00 -0.28163E-01 8561 0.188E+00 0.670E+00
when ALGO = NORMAL (DAV), it converges:
DAV: 25 -0.111680084507E+03 -0.25939E-01 -0.43845E-02 11208 0.195E+00 0.418E-01
DAV: 26 -0.111674293219E+03 0.57913E-02 -0.75801E-03 10920 0.847E-01 0.786E-01
DAV: 27 -0.111680926867E+03 -0.66336E-02 -0.11057E-02 11208 0.989E-01 0.264E-01
DAV: 28 -0.111680707788E+03 0.21908E-03 -0.87955E-04 9408 0.183E-01 0.272E-01
DAV: 29 -0.111681478436E+03 -0.77065E-03 -0.19426E-03 11856 0.422E-01 0.613E-02
DAV: 30 -0.111681537915E+03 -0.59480E-04 -0.37487E-04 10044 0.109E-01 0.256E-02
DAV: 31 -0.111681452146E+03 0.85770E-04 -0.18413E-04 11676 0.112E-01 0.851E-02
DAV: 32 -0.111681478832E+03 -0.26687E-04 -0.31170E-05 9552 0.524E-02 0.653E-02
DAV: 33 -0.111681484607E+03 -0.57743E-05 -0.27274E-05 9936 0.512E-02 0.463E-02
DAV: 34 -0.111681504745E+03 -0.20138E-04 -0.62435E-05 11244 0.718E-02 0.727E-03
DAV: 35 -0.111681504458E+03 0.28712E-06 -0.67145E-06 7932 0.143E-02 0.560E-03
DAV: 36 -0.111681504369E+03 0.88604E-07 -0.18698E-07 5880 0.321E-03
1 F= -.11168150E+03 E0= -.11164743E+03 d E =-.681412E-01 mag= 24.4970
The lattice constant just change 0.02 Ang, and for 5.7628 Ang, DAV converges, but RMM doesn't, but for 5.7828 Ang, RMM converges, but DAV doesn't.
So please tell me where is the problem ? Thanks:)
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:46 am
by alex
I'd guess your wavefunction is a difficult case and hard to become converged. In such cases following approaches might help (one after the other):
- Start with a high-spin calculation (meaning count all up-down electrons) and try to become it converged.
- Play with the mixing tags according to the manual. There are some general rules, but you have to try several sets for optimal convergence
[color=red][b]Very weird problem[/b][/color] about K points convergence check
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:49 pm
by vasp16888
[quote="blue"](1)you said:[/color]
Start with a high-spin calculation (meaning count all up-down electrons) and try to become it converged.
can you explain it specifically for this Fe12Ga4 system.
(2)about mixing tags, i read the mannual where I find one of the point may be useful, and it says:
Search for the last orrurance of eigenvalues of (default mixing * dielectric matrix) in the OUTCAR file. The optimal parameters are then given by:
AMIX AMIX(as used in Pulay run)* smallest eigenvalue
AMIN=μ 2*SQRT(smallest eigenvalue/ largest eigenvalue)
and they also say try Broyden's and Pulay's mixing method, etc....
Sorry for bother you, but would you mind if giving me some tips on how to change the mixing tags. Thanks very much.
